
On 6th April 2007 a very small piece of lawn was dug up, and a raised bed was made. It was sown with a few rows of vegetables. Late in 2009 we gained an half an allotment (plot 54B). What happens next??

Thursday, July 01, 2010

A June round-up

June seems to have sped by, so it's time to do a quick summary of things no hither to recorded.

Looking back to the start of June it's almost impossible to believe how fast things grow.

Here for example is a three week separation in growth on the pottager plot:

8th June -
8th June
and 30th June -
Andrew and the Sunflowers

(Yes that is a real son not a six feet five scarecrow).

Talking of scarecrows, strange visitors were spotted up the posh end of the allotments:




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