
On 6th April 2007 a very small piece of lawn was dug up, and a raised bed was made. It was sown with a few rows of vegetables. Late in 2009 we gained an half an allotment (plot 54B). What happens next??

Friday, February 25, 2011

Temporary Spring

Yesterday we took advantage of a beautiful day to spend around 3 hours on the plot. Inevitably on what was the first proper session of the year, much time was spent clearing up.

Quite a few of the overwintering vegetables hadn't survived (e.g. some cabbages, and the broccoli), so these were removed or consolidated into one area.

The Autumn planted broad beans and peas are a bit patchy, but I have some replacements doing very well in the greenhouse.

The first bean trench was dug and part filled with compost and cardboard.




The Autumn planted raspberries, asparagus and rhubarb is still dormant (or dead). I hope there will be signs of life there soon.

Meanwhile, in the greenhouse, the start of the massive spring sow has started, and the potatoes (from a Woodborough Garden Centre, Wilts) are chitting in the shed.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Baked Potatoes (or Arsonists Strike Again)

I had set aside today to spend a good length of time on the allotment, but realised a few days ago that the weather was going to be too wet. I knew the collective seed potato order would have arrived this week, so set out to visit the plot, collect my order and bring them home to start the chitting.




How sad.... the association garage is now just a burned out shell: no roof , a bent and mangled door, and a pile of burned potatoes in the middle. Gone are all the bags of compost, fertiliser, lime, weed fabric, canes and all the other stuff that is kept centrally. This is the third or fourth arson attack this winter, and the most tragic, as it affects everyone. Will the Council care and repair the fence? I suspect not, despite the rents going up. More to the point I wonder if the association funds can take the hit? I'll keep you posted.

Meanwhile, some more good news from the greenhouse and kitchen:
  • peppers and chilies are now showing in the kitchen
  • asters have been pricked out
  • sweet peas are in the greenhouse
  • more onion seeds sown
  • marigolds sown.
Rhubarb in the greenhouse:


Leeks and Peas:




Peas (Twinkle):


Broad Beans (Sutton):






Friday, February 11, 2011

The Greenhouse Part 4

Just a couple of photos of the staging that I forgot to post!

The benches are now full of trays and growth of broad beans and peas are healthy. We have some rhubarb in a big pot, and radishes and carrots in an old sink.

It's still too risky for much else yet, but give it another week or two...



Latest weather observations.