
On 6th April 2007 a very small piece of lawn was dug up, and a raised bed was made. It was sown with a few rows of vegetables. Late in 2009 we gained an half an allotment (plot 54B). What happens next??

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Why are my sunflowers pointing North? (So are everyone else's on the plots).


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Surprise, Surprise


Quite a few hours were spent on the plot today. There was a lot of weeding and tidying up to do, with the brambles still trying to show everywhere you look.

I dug over and mulched the empty broad beans and pea beds, which gives more access to other things for harvesting.

Surprises included:
  • The sunflowers in bloom
  • Cauliflowers ready (and now harvested)
  • Lots of runner beans and french beans
  • Lots and lots and lots of Courgettes (some now made into courgettes bread and courgette with chard and ginger soup.
In addition, more potatoes, carrots and beetroot were also harvested.


Pottager in bloom

Pottager in bloom

Monday, July 19, 2010

Quick note

There was some welcome rain last week, as well as lots of harvesting.

The broad beans are finished, and most of the peas also. Potatoes are very tasty, and the first carrots and courgettes are being eaten.

Weeds are growing well!

I plan to do some more tidying up later today.

Monday, July 05, 2010

The Cage.

On Saturday three of us spent over twelve hours weeding, tidying, harvesting and building a brassica cage.

Brassica cage

We have eaten and frozen pounds on peas and broad beans, and continue to enjoy the early potatoes and chard. We also ate the first carrots.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

In the jungle

The growth is now very rich and fulsome. Here are a few photos I haven't put elsewhere!

Squash in the beans:

squash in the beans

Runner, Broad, French and Human Beans:

Andrew in the beans.

Garlic and celery:

carrots and garlic

Carrots, Celeriac and Parsnips:

carrots, celeriac and parsnips

Beetroot and Onions:

beetroot and onions

Freshly weeded!

neat rows

Runner Beans:

Runner Beans

Work on the spoil heap

We've tidied up the spoil heap where all the bindweed roots and other perennials were dumped when we took over the plot. It has rotted down really well, except for the bind weed! It will be a case of sieve through it a bit each week for the next year, but at approx 10m2 it's too bid an area to ignore.

bindweed roots in the junk heap

After a hard morning weeding.

The borage in the ice cubes is from the allotment!

PIMMS after the plot

Decorating the shed

I'm hoping this will be a riot of colour in a week or two:

sweet peas on the shed

sweet peas on the shed

The glut begins

The middle of June saw the start of the glut, starting with early potatoes, beetroot, peas and broad beans:

First new potatoes, beans and peas

first beetroot


In the middle of June there was an amazing show of Lupins on John's plot:

lupins Lupins Lupins

A June round-up

June seems to have sped by, so it's time to do a quick summary of things no hither to recorded.

Looking back to the start of June it's almost impossible to believe how fast things grow.

Here for example is a three week separation in growth on the pottager plot:

8th June -
8th June
and 30th June -
Andrew and the Sunflowers

(Yes that is a real son not a six feet five scarecrow).

Talking of scarecrows, strange visitors were spotted up the posh end of the allotments:




Latest weather observations.