
On 6th April 2007 a very small piece of lawn was dug up, and a raised bed was made. It was sown with a few rows of vegetables. Late in 2009 we gained an half an allotment (plot 54B). What happens next??

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Confused greenfly

I was just browsing through some great allotment blogs, with photos, and noticed a greenfly crawling up the stems of some tomatoes... tomatoes in the picture, green fly on the picture, i.e. the screen!

Monday, July 04, 2011

All strung out to dry!

Onions and garlic hanging on the shed.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Onions and Garlic

First crop of red and white onions, and garlic, drying in the sun.

Friday, July 01, 2011

Eat Your Heart out Pablo

Fresh from the allotment. Pity I'm not a flower arranger as well as a grower. No doubt SWMBO will re-arrange later.

Latest weather observations.