What a busy weekend: 21st March is the "proper" first day of spring and we had the superb spring weather to go with it.
On Saturday we had steady rain, which was very welcome: it watered the ground (clearly) and meant I spent some time at home on urgent work. It didn't stop some potting and sowing though:
- more squash of various varieties
- basil pricked out
- various peppers pricked out
I also tried germinating some runners beans and sweet peas on wet paper towel:
Sunday dawned sunny, warm and fresh: a real first day of spring. We both tootled down to the allotment.
The main task was to plant the early potatoes (Javelin) and prepare the trench for the second earlies and main crop to be sown in a week or two. I also sowed another row of Parsnips and one row of early carrots (remember a "row" on most beds is half the width of the plot, not full width). I've ended up with more in this bed than I'd planned for, mainly due to the extra onions and the garlic. I don't have enough room for the rest of the carrots, so need to do some more thinking.
Bar was very useful weeding all over the place, I'm not good at that (i.e. don't like it).
Finally, I constructed the support for one double row of runner beans in bed 1. The other runners will probably go on wigwam supports.
Maurice, who gave us the garlic, gave us a bag of fresh sprouts, which will be cooking down-stairs in a few minutes.
A bit of sunshine, some netting and some canes, and all of a sudden it looks like a proper allotment!