As promised, here is the round up of what is being grown this year:
In the original vegetable patch there are parsnips and spring onions (which are being sown successionally). In the new vegetable patch, which will have its own separate post at some point, there are 3 courgettes and lots of spinach. I have planted a few runner beans against the fence in the border, lots of peas in pots, also being sown successionally, and of course the radishes!
I am also experimenting a little by planting some leftover runner beans and a courgette in some odd bits of ground in between other plants in the garden.
A guerilla post by David:
News just in - the radishes seem to have survived an earlier gastropod massacre to give this viciously colourful first harvest.
More peppery roots to follow before the week is out.
Seeing as 2008 received no blog coverage, I thought it would be good to quickly cover what was grown and with how much success:
In the patch there were carrots and nothing else as I never got round to planting anything in between the carrot rows! The resulting carrots were bizarrely shaped but extremely flavoursome.
I also had grew some leeks, tomatoes and sweet peppers in pots. The leeks were small but tasty, tomatoes stayed green and so gave us several jars of green tomato chutney, and the peppers were a failure!
Some valuable lessons were learnt from the various successes and failures:
- Don't plant the whole pack of seeds - its just too much!
- Don't leave tasks like for later (like pinching out the tips of the tomato plants - this may have been why the tomatoes all stayed green)
Thats all for now; 2009 update coming soon!
We ate all the produce from last year's small plot, so this year Andrew has taken charge of the expanded operation.
He has a mini- greenhouse, a lot of pots, and has dug up more of the lawn to make another small raised bed.
As I look out of the window and write this, I can see peas at various stages, courgettes, which were potted on yesterday and quite few bedding plants. I think there is a lot more in trays. There are also some radishes but these haven't done too well so far.